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30.11.2024, Galiläa Kirche
The film ‘Mona Mur in Conversation‘ shows Mona Mur as an impressive musician and artist with a thoughtful, humorous character. It reveals how the path of steadfastness is not easy. The concept for the film is perfectly realised. A green chair against a red background and a screen. Pure simplicity, no distractions, and it’s mesmerizing: Mona Mur and her story. Her life and work. The highs and the lows. The beauty. Music runs through her in every fibre, breath, rhythm, and in her voice. Her body and movements. Accented by her smile and sensuality. She’s magnetic.
Elfi Mikesch (Filmmaker)
Mona Mur In Conversation is so fascinating because it is multifaceted: it is about Mona Mur as a fearless woman in the male-dominated music business, but it is also a gallop through recent pop music history.
Monika Treut (Filmmaker)
It shows the many faces of Mona Mur, how she adapted and kept evolving her own creative style.
The Audience Award 2024 goes to the film Mona Mur in Conversation by Dietmar Post. The 86-minute film traces the biography of the Hamburg-born artist’s work to date, the stages of self-determined creativity that began in West Germany’s early 80s post-punk scene.
Unerhört Music Film Festival
A cleverly constructed set-up combines speaking in front of the camera, off-camera questions and illustrative visual and audio material to create a captivating narrative of a life lived according to her own ideas without concessions – presented in a dry, straightforward, self-conscious and eloquent manner by a great artist to be (re)discovered.
The fact that the film, completed only two days before its screening, received an award from the audience in its protagonist’s hometown the day after its world premiere, can only be described as an amazing feat.
The film explores the life and career of the Hamburg-born musician Mona Mur, whose creative work began in the West German post-punk scene of the 1980s.
Mona Mur was born in Hamburg and became a leading figure in the German underground scene of the early 1980s. Her career has traversed many musical territories, from post-punk/industrial to electronica, from piano-based punk ballads to hard, experimental guitar music, all with her own signature style. She has collaborated with En Esch (KMFDM), FM Einheit, Mark Chung, Alexander Hacke (Einstürzende Neubauten), Nikko Weidemann, Dieter Meier (Yello), J.J. Burnel and Dave Greenfield (Stranglers), Ralf Goldkind, filmmakers Monika Treut, Elfi Mikesch, Fatih Akin, photographer Ilse Ruppert, and Grzegorz Ciechowski (Republika), as well as the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Krzesimir Debski. Mona Mur is also a composer and sound artist for films and computer games. The re-release of her early albums provides a good opportunity to revisit her previous oeuvre. Mona Mur answers questions from filmmaker Dietmar Post in a bare studio with a screen showing photos, film and music video excerpts from throughout her career, resulting in a rich portrait of a musician who has followed her own vision and overcome resistance.
(Unerhört Film Fest)
Mona Mur, gebürtige Hamburgerin, war Protagonistin des deutschen Undergrounds der frühen 1980er, flirtete aber immer mit großem Pop. In ihrer bisherigen Laufbahn hat sie viele musikalische Gebiete durchmessen, von Postpunk/Industrial über elektronische Musik, von Punk-Torchsongs zu Klavier bis hin zu harter, experimenteller Gitarrenmusik und orchestralen Klangwänden – alles mit einer eigenen Handschrift. Die Liste ihrer Kollaborationen in all den Jahren: En Esch (KMFDM), FM Einheit, Mark Chung, Alexander Hacke, und weitere Mitglieder der „Einstürzenden Neubauten“, Dieter Meier (Yello), J.J. Burnel und Dave Greenfield (Stranglers), Monika Treut, Elfi Mikesch, Fatih Akin, Nikko Weidemann, Ilse Ruppert, Grzegorz Ciechowski und das Warschauer Philharmonische Orchester – um nur Einige zu nennen. Inzwischen arbeitet Mona Mur als Komponistin und Soundartist für Film- und Computerspielmusik. Jetzt sind ihre frühen Alben neu veröffentlicht worden – ein schöner Anlass, um ausführlich über den zurückgelegten Weg Auskunft zu geben. Und so steht Mona Mur in einem glasklaren Setting dem Filmemacher Dietmar Post Rede und Antwort. Reich bebildert mit Fotos und Film- und Musikvideo-Ausschnitten entsteht eine illustrierte Oral History-Biografie, die schnörkellos, d.h. ohne Überhöhungen oder Auslassungen beschreibt, was es bedeutet, Künstlerin zu sein, mit eigenen Vorstellungen im Musikbusiness zu agieren und Widerstände zu überwinden. (Unerhört Film Fest)
Germany, 2024, 87 min
Directed by: Dietmar Post
Produced by: Lucía Palacios & Dietmar Post
Camera & Set Design: Ede Müller (Zabrisky Film)
Editing: Karl-W. Huelsenbeck & Gertrudis Handschk
Sound Mix: Lorenz Fischer
Color Corrections: Franz Thienel
Music Publishing: Freibank, play loud! publishing
Music by: Mona Mur, Die Mieter, Mona Mur & En Esch, Flucht nach vorn
Film supported by
© play loud! productions 2024