

Catalog #: pl-18 / pl-19
Format: dvd / no regions / ntsc / double dvd-pack with 8-page booklet /
drawings by Daniel Richter
Total running time: 180 minutes

DVD with two films
Klangbad: Avant-garde in the Meadows (85 min)
Faust - Live at Klangbad Festival (70 min)

8-page colored booklet with linernotes
german, spanish and english subtitles
detailed band and track listings
reprint of original Klangbad poster
list of all bands that ever played the festival between 2004-2009
trailer Klangbad: Avant-garde in the Meadows
trailer Faust: Live at Klangbad Festival
trailer Monks - The Transatlantic Feedback
trailer FM Einheit + Irmler: Live at Berghain
trailer Doc Schoko: Oktopus im Pentagramm
trailer A Summer Evening with Floating di Morel
trailer Martin Rev: Electronic Pioneer

You can order this dvd at our shop

Donations for the survival of the Klangbad Festival
Since this alternative music festival is constantly lacking financial support,
play loud! decided to donate 1 Euro of each DVD sold to the Klangbad Festival Organisation.
We ask our customers to support this truly independent music festival.

If customers decide to donate even more money it can be sent to:
Stiftung Kreative Impulse e.V. (Non-Profit Foundation for Creative Impulses)
Volksbank Bad Saulgau
IBAN: DE02 6509 3020 0024 6290 06